Monday, August 3, 2009


Our lecturer gave us a game yesterday

she separated us into 2 groups, each group had 11 persons

and each group got to sent a person out who has got good memory

so lecturer gave a short phrase for each of the groups

for my group, we got the phrase "a big bug bites a small bug, small bug fight with big bug"

the first person got to pass this phrase by whispering to the second person, second to the third

and so on...

whereas for the other group, they had "i thought, i thought of thinking of thanking you"

and same thing she had to pass this phrase to the second, second to the third and so on...

so both groups' phrase had passed to the last person

both of them had to go to the board and write down what they have heard

our group : "big big dog and small small dog, big big dog with small small dog"

the other group : "i thought of thinking you"


the second group was not so bad but our group seriously became joke for the day

it was totally different from what the lecturer gave to the first person

so the lesson is :

Do not 100% trust or believe what a person says because messages might be different from the original after passing through few persons

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