Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pre National Day

Our school children are requested to dress in costumes for National Day on the Friday

All of them were SO CUTE and ADORABLE!!

I would love to take picture with every one of them but I had to take care of my class kids so I did not have the chance to do so ='(

First of all. Soo Bin!
A cute little korean girl with her "annyohaseyo" greets

Next is Jasmine!
A vietnamese-british (i think) girl
She is kinda misbehaving in class as she always pushes her friends
but now she is getting better!

The indian girl of the day
she is very charming and a shy girl
an independent girl

Next is Zoya!
An august enrollment baby
another girl whom is getting better in her behaviour =D

! (also called Bong)
throws tantrum very easily
guess thats because he is still young
one month+ old
but he is cute does'nt he?

I din manage to snap all of them individually
these are the kids in my class
how can we miss out a group picture of them!

They are my rainbows!
they brighten up my days
I Love them!

Friday, August 28, 2009

ti si tahw?


District 9

Violent + terrible + horible + scary + heart attack + disgusting = DISTRICT 9

But it was a nice movie though =D

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


As usual I sent the children out to their parents on my gate duty day

there was this boy, I have sent him into the car

and the mother came down from the car with her son and a little daughter

I wonder why, thought something had happened

so I asked the mother, and guess what did the mother say?

*she was pointing to her husband who was in the car*

"he is on the phone"

I was like ...........................................=.=" speechless~!

I was thinking what century already now and yet things like this still happen

then my principal told me that that's korean's tradition

the wife respect the husband

but dont you think that's a little bit too over?

I am thinking does the mother always do that when her husband is on call everytime


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Edited. haha will update about 30 hour famine on another day!^^

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Is it LOVE --------- or just a HOT CRUSH?

Let's do the test below and see if you really love or just a hot crush to him.

p/s : This test is only for girls

1) I feel good about myself when I'm around him
Agree____ Disagree____

2) We could spend all night talking and never run out of stuff to say
Agree____ Disagree____

3) I want him to meet important people in my life, like my parents or grandparents
Agree____ Disagree____

4) He's like my best friend---only I like making out with him
Agree____ Disagree____

5) I've seen him at his worst (like after he lost a big game), and I still think he's amazing
Agree____ Disagree____

6) I'm totally comfortable around him, and I'm not afraid to say exactly what I think to him
Agree____ Disagree____

7) I want to tell him everything. He is the first person I call when something happens
Agree____ Disagree____

8) We've fought, but we worked it out and listened to each other
Agree____ Disagree____

9) I'm okay making sacrifices for him, like giving up a date so he can study
Agree____ Disagree____


Calculate how many you have agreed with the answers
If you agree with seven or more, it is LOVE!

So is yours LOVE or CRUSH?

Thursday, August 13, 2009




Im going to sleep now! =P nights!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I was just toooooo boring in the car and this is what i did


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kiwanis Fund Raising Day!

My friends and I went to Kiwanis as volunteers today!hehe

By the way Kiwanis is a Down Syndrome Learning Centre for young children located at Taman Megah

1 star = RM1

I bought RM30 and i got 30 stars!! =P

There you go the pictures!


He was trying very hard to pick up the guli with the chopsticks

A cute little girl who was playing with the golf

Ice Kacang~~ yummy

Hungry ><

2 stars for 3 ping pong balls.

I got bullied..sobs sob ='(

I scored~!! =P

Although it was tiring but we had lots of fun on that day!!

Oh ya went to a friend's house to do assignment after that =.=
Im so energetic!haha

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Carrot cake ^^

Decided to bake cake again

flipping through the bookS and finally have chosen to bake carrot cake! =D

Tadaa!!Its NICE =P


**P/S : I have no idea why the picture came out this way

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Naked and topless riders trot through Hyde Park to raise money for a cancer charity!

Drool guys LOL


Have you ever waited a lift for half an hour before?



25 floors of a condominium and my friend stays at 25th floor =.=

the pizza that we ordered has reached and we were still waiting for the lift

as everyone knows pizza delivery takes half an hour to be delivered

the management of the condo is really bad!!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


爱你, 所以希望你快乐

爱你, 所以会关心你

爱你, 所以会担心你

爱你, 所以会想你

爱你, 所以才会嫉妒

爱你, 所以才会想要拥有你

爱你, 所以愿意为你付出

爱你, 所以不想看到你哭

爱你, 所以让你去





My girl

Her name is Chloe

but we give her another name

"The Burberry Girl"

95% of her clothes are from Burberry

She is CUTE!!!

She looks like an angel ya =D

used to be in my class but now has shifted to another class

sobs sobs!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Our lecturer gave us a game yesterday

she separated us into 2 groups, each group had 11 persons

and each group got to sent a person out who has got good memory

so lecturer gave a short phrase for each of the groups

for my group, we got the phrase "a big bug bites a small bug, small bug fight with big bug"

the first person got to pass this phrase by whispering to the second person, second to the third

and so on...

whereas for the other group, they had "i thought, i thought of thinking of thanking you"

and same thing she had to pass this phrase to the second, second to the third and so on...

so both groups' phrase had passed to the last person

both of them had to go to the board and write down what they have heard

our group : "big big dog and small small dog, big big dog with small small dog"

the other group : "i thought of thinking you"


the second group was not so bad but our group seriously became joke for the day

it was totally different from what the lecturer gave to the first person

so the lesson is :

Do not 100% trust or believe what a person says because messages might be different from the original after passing through few persons

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Things will not be as you wish sometimes

What will you think of when standing and looking at the beach?


I want to be with you forever.
I want to wake up in your arms every morning
After lying beside you every night.
I want your smile to be the first thing I see
And your voice the last thing I hear.
I want to feel your body next to mine
To keep me warm on a winter's night
And cool on a summer day.
I want to share your joy and happiness
And comfort you through sadness and disappointment.
Whatever goes wrong or right,
I want to be by your side.
I want to be with you when the sun sets and rises,
The stars shine bright and the rain falls.
I want to wipe your tears and share your laughter.
I want to love you forever
I want to be with your forever