Saturday, August 15, 2009

Is it LOVE --------- or just a HOT CRUSH?

Let's do the test below and see if you really love or just a hot crush to him.

p/s : This test is only for girls

1) I feel good about myself when I'm around him
Agree____ Disagree____

2) We could spend all night talking and never run out of stuff to say
Agree____ Disagree____

3) I want him to meet important people in my life, like my parents or grandparents
Agree____ Disagree____

4) He's like my best friend---only I like making out with him
Agree____ Disagree____

5) I've seen him at his worst (like after he lost a big game), and I still think he's amazing
Agree____ Disagree____

6) I'm totally comfortable around him, and I'm not afraid to say exactly what I think to him
Agree____ Disagree____

7) I want to tell him everything. He is the first person I call when something happens
Agree____ Disagree____

8) We've fought, but we worked it out and listened to each other
Agree____ Disagree____

9) I'm okay making sacrifices for him, like giving up a date so he can study
Agree____ Disagree____


Calculate how many you have agreed with the answers
If you agree with seven or more, it is LOVE!

So is yours LOVE or CRUSH?


  1. congratulations!^^
    all the best in ur relationship ya..

  2. so is it a Crush or Love?


  3. huh...
    i dont have one so i did not do the test =D
