Saturday, January 16, 2010

Unlucky day

Have to remind and warn myself not to be so careless and clumsy anymore starting from today..

Had a date with tze xian, shin yee, lee pui ee and yu chen at Curve Redbox..

I asked my mom to fetch me there as i am not too sure with the parking environment and so i did not wanna drive there..

Coincidentally, she need to fetch my brother from Taylor's so no choice i had to drive to Curve..

I was kinda late and therefor i was rushing to meet them

When i was half way singing, i suddenly thought of my parking ticket..i searched for it in my bad, purse, anywhere possible..still i could not find it

I was praying that it was in my car

After the outing, i walked to my car alone cause Shin Yee's dad was there already and Xian was following her back..

I went to the wrong floor to look for my car..=.=", so i went to the lower floor

I found my car, and i quickly unlock it to look for my parking ticket

I tried to find at every single corner of my car but yet i couldnt find it..

I was so nervous and scared at that time cause i was all alone in the parking area..

I walked back to the shopping mall and requested for help from information counter

The lady asked me to look for the parking booth at parking area

So i gotta walked all the way back to the parking area to look for the parking booth

"Ka-chang"...RM20 gone for the ticket..

They charged me RM20 for a new ticket!Sigh..

I hate it..gotta be more alert and careful the next time

Like what Xian said..

"Learn from Mistakes"

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